MySQL Setup for Apple Mac (macbook pro)
Look for Community Server
Choose latest DMG version if on mac
Follow the install instructions on DMG
Save temp password
GOTO mac preferences window to start and stop mysql
Online resources:
Check for bin path: echo $PATH
Default location of installed mysql: /usr/local/mysql/bin
To set new path in ~ directory create or go to .bash_profile (or .bash_rc),
And add line add a PATH=”/user/local/mysql/bin:$PATH”
This will add /usr/local/mysql/bin to $PATH and if you echo $PATH the path will show up.
To find where mysql admin file is type: which mysqladmin.
(currently set at “/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqladmin”)
To set root password to mysql type: mysqladmin -u root password
It will then ask for a password
To reset password type: mysqladmin -u root -p password
It will then ask for old password and then new password.