Drupal8 Custom Views Display


Drupal 8 custom field display for views


Example 1.  Next Events block from Calendar view 


  1. Create “Events” content type with “Event Date” field,”Location” field,”Details” field, and etc.

  2. Create some “Events” pages, at least 5 would be nice.

  3. Create view named “Next Events” (../admin/structure/views/add).

  4. Set Display to “Block”

  5. In “Formats Section” Set Format to “Unformatted List” (UL).

  6. In “Formats Section” Set Show to “Fields”.

  7. In “Fields” Section “Add” field “Content: Event Date”, set Date format to “Cal Month Short” or “M” in “Formatter” select “Custom” (e.g. Aug) and select “Exclude from display”, leave the rest at default. (see http://php.net/manual/en/function.date.php).

  8. In “Fields” Section “Add” field “Content: Event Date”, set Date format to “Cal Day” or “j” in “Formatter” select “Custom” (e.g. 16) and select “Exclude from display”, leave the rest at default. (see http://php.net/manual/en/function.date.php).

  9. In “Fields” Section “Add” field “Content: Event Date”, set Date format to “Cal Time” or “g:i A” in “Formatter” select “Custom”  (e.g. 10:31 AM) and select “Exclude from display”, leave the rest at default. (see http://php.net/manual/en/function.date.php).

  10. In “Fields” Section “Add” field “Content: Details”, and select “Exclude from display”, leave the rest at default. 

  11. In “Fields” Section “Add” field “Content: Location”, In “STYLE SETTINGS” subsection select “Customize field HTML” and more options will appear.

  12. In “STYLE SETTINGS” subsection, select “Create a CSS class”, and in the field that appear labelled “CSS Class” input the class “view-tile” (just an example here, add any class name you want).

  13. In “REWRITE RESULTS” subsection select “Override the output of this with custom text” and a “Text” field will appear.

  14. In the “Text” box, put in custom text or html, in this case


        <div class="next-events wrapper">

              <div class="next-events tile">

                <div class="cal month">{{ field_event_date }}</div>

                <div class="cal day">{{ field_event_date_1 }}</div>




  1. In “Fields” section select “Rearrange” button (in “Add” button select) and place “Content: Title” at bottom, below “Content:Location”.

  2. Set “FILTER CRITERIA” to “Content: Published (=Yes), “Content: Content type (=Events), and Content: Event Date (>= +0 day).

  3. Set “SORT CRITERIA” to “Content: Authored on (asc).

  4. Save.

  5. Create CSS to make buttons out of Next Events view row’s custom HTML as seen in example below: