Atom Live Server


Atom Label

Set up the Atom code editor to run a simple http web server by installing the Atom package "atom-live-server". 


  1. Install the "atom-live-server" package at
  2. In the Atom code editor go to "preferences" under "Atom" in the top menu bar.
  3. In "preferences" go to "Packages" and find the "atom-live-server" package.
  4. Click the "Install" button.


Start a simple http web server using "atom-live-server" by selecting directory or html file in Atom code editor and execute one of the following keystrokes to start server (from "atom-live-server" documentation):


  1. ctrl-alt-l launch live server on port 3000.
  2. ctrl-alt-3 launch live server on port 3000.
  3. ctrl-alt-4 launch live server on port 4000.
  4. ctrl-alt-5 launch live server on port 5000.
  5. ctrl-alt-8 launch live server on port 8000.
  6. ctrl-alt-9 launch live server on port 9000.


Stop "atom-live-server" by executing following keystrokes:


  1. ctrl-alt-q stop live server.


Note: This server will not recognize files ending in .php, change the file to .html instead.

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